Comprehensive Exercise

Team Documentation

Team Documentation

As part of the exercise, your group will use a Google Document for a report that serves two purposes:

  1. journal of your thought process and informal planning, and
  2. formal documentation of your requirements, design, implementation, and testing.


Within the journal sections, you will be documenting your group’s thought process for the exercise, which will include options you considered, decisions you made, and the missteps you may have taken. This journal will help you and the teaching staff look back on the work you did and understand the decisions you made. It is important to document the options and possible missteps in order to understand how you reached the final product. If your thought process includes writing or drawing on paper, please scan (or take pictures of) the paper and include digital version in document.

The journal would be the type of documentation that is kept for internal purposes and to help a team understand the decisions that it made. The journal will help you as you reflect on your work each day and as you prepare for your presentation. The journal will also be a place where you document your interactions with the client, which will help you as you work through the full process.

Formal Documentation

Within the formal documentation, you will be documenting your group’s project requirements, design, implementation, and testing aspects. For example:

  • The requirements section of your document will include a set of requirements for your software.
  • The design section of your document will describe your software design and provide a diagram of your design.

Starting Your Report

Instructions for starting your report. One student needs to:

  1. Open Report Template file:
  2. Select File > Make a copy
  3. Rename file to include your section and team number to name of file, e.g., ComprehensiveExerciseReport_section001_Team10.
  4. Share the file (edit permissions) with teammates (present today)
  5. Share the file (edit permissions) with your instructor and your section’s TAs.
  6. Within your team repo’s, add a link to your report.