line 1 - missing name line 2 - name with no space line 3 - name with letter after space line 4 - name with too many letters line 5 - name with no letters line 6 - name with too few numbers line 7 - name with too many numbers line 8 - missing title line 9 - missing section line 10 - section with no digits line 11 - missing credits line 12 - too few credits line 13 - too many credits line 14 - missing instructor line 15 - missing meeting days line 16 - missing start time or end time line 17 - section with missing digit line 18 - empty instructor line 19 - invalid meeting days line 20 - meeting times on arranged section (extra tokens) line 21 - invalid start time line 22 - end time before start time line 23 - empty meeting days line 24 - two of the same day (T) in the meeting days string line 25 - extra token