Guided Project 3 WolfScheduler - Conflict

Independent Task - Write and Update System Test Plan

Independent Task: Write and Update System Test Plan

Test Driven Development (TDD) means that tests are written before code is written. For system level tests, that means they are written as soon as the requirements are finalized. You will use the WolfScheduler Requirements to write additional test cases for the conflict functionality. Additionally, you will update any test cases that are no longer appropriate once the conflict functionality is added.

Learning Outcomes

  • Write and update system tests

Create GP3 System Test Plan Document

If you don’t already have a project_docs folder in your WolfScheduler project, create it by right clicking on WolfScheduler and selecting New > Folder.

You’ll start with a copy of the Guided Project 2 System Test Plan that has been updated with instructions for Guided Project 3.

  1. Download the document as a Word document by selecting File > Download > Microsoft Word in Google Drive.
  2. Save your system test plan as a Word document (*.doc or *.docx)
  3. Put the system test plan in the WolfScheduler project_docs folder.
  4. Add the system test plan to the index of the repo and commit/push.

Add and Modify Tests

Read the WolfScheduler requirements. Guided Project 3 will focus the [Schedule Conflict] subflows of Use Cases 2 & 4 around time. The remaining requirements were implemented in Guided Projects 1 and 2.

With the new time conflict functionality, there are tests in the system test plan that were fine for Guided Project 2, but that no longer meet the requirements. These tests must be revised to meet the full WolfScheduler requirements.

Do the following tasks to update your system test plan:

  • Identify any tests that will fail with the conflict requirement fully implemented. Revise or rewrite the test(s). You MAY NOT remove them!
  • Write 5 additional tests that consider different conflict scenarios.

Additional instructions about the expectations for updating the system test plan for the WolfScheduler project are IN the System Test Plan document. Please follow those instructions (especially highlighting new or modifed tests) to help with grading and earning full credit for your work.

Reference: Staging and Pushing to GitHub

GitHub Resources:

Check Your Progress

Complete the following tasks before pushing your work to GitHub.

  • Make sure that all fields, methods, and constructors are commented.
  • Resolve all static analysis notifications.
  • Fix test failures.
  • Commit and push your code changes with a meaningful commit message. Label your commit with “[Test]” for future you!