
WolfScheduler Implementation

WolfScheduler Implementation

For the implementation phase of development, you will implement the provided design so that all of the pieces of the project work as a coherent whole.

For each Guided Project, you will be provided with a set of files like the GUI (provided in this section) and test files (provided in the testing section).

Guided Project 1

Guided Project 1 will walk you through the creation of the WolfScheduler project, but an overview of each class and method are provided here. Note that all getters and setters for the fields are assumed. All setters must be implemented so that they do not break any invariants from the requirements (e.g., Course.setTitle() should not allow title to be set to null or empty string).


Unless otherwise noted, all constants and fields are private and all methods are public. Constants should be static and final. There are no static methods in the Course class.

Course Constants & Fields

  • SECTION_LENGTH: constant containing the length of the section String, which is a value of 3
  • MAX_NAME_LENGTH: constant containing the maximum length of the name String, which is a value of 6
  • MIN_NAME_LENGTH: constant containing the minimum length of the name String, which is a value of 4
  • MAX_CREDITS: constant containing the maximum number of credits for a course, which is a value of 5
  • MIN_CREDITS: constant containing the minimum number of credits for a course, which is a value of 1
  • UPPER_TIME: constant containing the upper military time, which is a value of 2400
  • UPPER HOUR: constant containing the upper value for an hour, which is a value of 60
  • name: String containing the Course’s name
  • title: String containing the Course’s title
  • section: String containing the Course’s section
  • credits: int containing the Course’s credit hours
  • instructorId: String containing the Course’s instructor id
  • meetingDays: String containing the Course’s meeting days
  • startTime: int containing the Course’s start time
  • endTime: int containing the Course’s end time

Course Constructors

  • Course(String name, String title, String section, int credits, String instructorId, String meetingDays, int startTime, int endTime): Sets the fields to the given values or throws an IllegalArgumentException if provided an invalid value.
  • Course(String name, String title, String section, int credits, String instructorId, String meetingDays): Sets the fields to the given values or throws an IllegalArgumentException if provided an invalid value. The values of startTime and endTime are set to 0.

Course Methods

  • Each field has a getter, which returns the field. There is no special logic to any of the getters, so they are not listed individually.
  • setName(): a private method that throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null or less than the MIN_NAME_LENGTH or greater than the MAX_NAME_LENGTH.
  • setTitle(): throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null or an empty String.
  • setSection(): throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null or has a length not equal to SECTION_LENGTH.
  • setCredits(): throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is less than MIN_CREDITS or greater than MAX_CREDITS
  • setInstructorId(): throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null or an empty String.
  • setMeetingDays(): throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null or an empty String; if the parameter contains a character other than M, T, W, H, F, or A; and if when the parameter contains an A, it is not the only character in the String
  • setCourseTime(): throws an IllegalArgumentException if the startTime or endTime is not between 0 and UPPER_TIME or if the last two digits of the time are greater than or equal to UPPER_HOUR (e.g., 1478 would be an invalid time).
  • getMeetingString(): Returns a String representation of the Course meeting time as outlined in [UC2, S7] and [UC3, S1].
  • hashCode() and equals(): Use Eclipse to generate hashCode() and equals() on all fields.
  • toString(): Returns a comma separated list of Course fields in the format expected in [UC1, S1].


CourseRecordIO provides a set of behaviors that should be available without creating an instance of a class. Additionally, the methods only rely on the provided parameters and not on any state associated with CourseRecordIO. Therefore, all methods in CourseRecordIO are static. That means any class in the project can access a method in a static way: CourseRecordIO.readCourseRecords() and CourseRecordIO.writeCourseRecords().

CourseRecordIO Methods

  • readCourseRecords(String fileName): Returns an ArrayList of valid Courses read from the given file name. The method throws a FileNotFoundException if the given file doesn’t exist.
  • readCourse(String line): Returns a Course object created by parsing the line of text. This is a private helper method of readCourseRecords(). Since the method is private, you are not required to have it in your implementation, but it does simplify the program.
  • writeCourseRecords(String fileName, ArrayList<Course> courses): Writes the given list of Courses to the given file. Throws an IOException if unable to write to the file.


WolfScheduler Constants & Fields

  • catalog: ArrayList of Courses that make up the course catalog.
  • schedule: ArrayList of Courses that make up a student’s schedule. This ArrayList is a subset of the catalog.
  • title: String representing the schedule’s title.

WolfScheduler Constructors

  • WolfScheduler(String courseRecordsFileName): Initializes schedule to an empty ArrayList and sets title to My Schedule. Initializes the catalog ArrayList and populates the Courses in the catalog from the information in the courseRecordsFileName. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the file cannot be found.

WolfScheduler Methods

  • getCourseFromCatalog(String name, String section): Uses the name and section to find a Course in the catalog. Returns null if the Course cannot be found.
  • addCourse(String name, String section): Returns true if the Course represented by the name and section are in the catalog and can be added to the schedule and false if the Course is not in the catalog. If there is a Course with the same name already in the schedule an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
  • removeCourse(String name, String section): Returns true if the Course is removed from the schedule and false otherwise.
  • resetSchedule(): Resets the schedule to an empty ArrayList.
  • getCourseCatalog(): Returns a String[][] (2D array) that contains a catalog item on each row. The first column is the Course name, the second is the section, and the third is the title.
  • getScheduledCourses(): Returns a String[][] (2D array) that contains a schedule item on each row. The first column is the Course name, the second is the section, and the third is the title.
  • getFullScheduledCourses(): Returns a String[][] (2D array) that contains a schedule item on each row. The first column is the Course name, the second is the section, the third is the title, the fourth is the credits, the fifth is the instructorId, and the sixth is the meeting time String.
  • setTitle(String title): Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the schedule title is null.
  • getTitle(): Returns the schedule title.
  • exportSchedule(String fileName): Writes the schedule to the given file.


WolfSchedulerGUI is provided.

Guided Project 2

Guided Project 2 will walk you through the addition of Events to the WolfScheduler project, but an overview of the changes from Guided Project 1 are listed below. Note that all getters and setters for the fields are assumed. All setters must be implemented so that they do not break any invariants from the requirements (e.g., Course.setTitle() should not allow title to be set to null or empty string).


Unless otherwise noted, all constants and fields are private and all methods are public. Constants should be static and final. There are no static methods in the Activity hierarchy.

Activity Constants & Fields

  • UPPER_TIME: constant containing the upper military time, which is a value of 2400
  • UPPER HOUR: constant containing the upper value for an hour, which is a value of 60
  • title: String containing the Course’s title
  • meetingDays: String containing the Course’s meeting days
  • startTime: int containing the Course’s start time
  • endTime: int containing the Course’s end time

Activity Constructors

  • Activity(String title, String meetingDays, int startTime, int endTime): Sets the fields to the given values or throws an IllegalArgumentException if provided an invalid value.

Activity Methods

  • Each field has a getter, which returns the field. There is no special logic to any of the getters, so they are not listed individually.
  • setTitle(): throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null or an empty String.
  • setMeetingDays(): sets the meetingDays field.
  • setActivityTime(): throws an IllegalArgumentException if the startTime or endTime is not between 0 and UPPER_TIME or if the last two digits of the time are greater than or equal to UPPER_HOUR (e.g., 1478 would be an invalid time).
  • getMeetingString(): Returns a String representation of the meeting time as outlined in [UC2, S7] and [UC3, S1].
  • hashCode() and equals(): Use Eclipse to generate hashCode() and equals() on all fields.
  • getShortDisplayArray(): Abstract method that returns an array of Strings.
  • getLongDisplayArray(): Abstract method that returns an array of Strings.
  • isDuplicate(): Abstract method that returns true if the given Activity is a duplicate of this object.

Course Constants & Fields

  • SECTION_LENGTH: constant containing the length of the section String, which is a value of 3
  • MAX_NAME_LENGTH: constant containing the maximum length of the name String, which is a value of 6
  • MIN_NAME_LENGTH: constant containing the minimum length of the name String, which is a value of 4
  • MAX_CREDITS: constant containing the maximum number of credits for a course, which is a value of 5
  • MIN_CREDITS: constant containing the minimum number of credits for a course, which is a value of 1
  • name: String containing the Course’s name
  • section: String containing the Course’s section
  • credits: int containing the Course’s credit hours
  • instructorId: String containing the Course’s instructor id

Course Constructors

  • Course(String name, String title, String section, int credits, String instructorId, String meetingDays, int startTime, int endTime): Sets the fields to the given values or throws an IllegalArgumentException if provided an invalid value.
  • Course(String name, String title, String section, int credits, String instructorId, String meetingDays): Sets the fields to the given values or throws an IllegalArgumentException if provided an invalid value. The values of startTime and endTime are set to 0.

Course Methods

  • Each field has a getter, which returns the field. There is no special logic to any of the getters, so they are not listed individually.
  • setName(): a private method that throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null or less than the MIN_NAME_LENGTH or greater than the MAX_NAME_LENGTH.
  • setSection(): throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null or has a length not equal to SECTION_LENGTH.
  • setCredits(): throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is less than MIN_CREDITS or greater than MAX_CREDITS
  • setInstructorId(): throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null or an empty String.
  • setMeetingDays(): overrides Activity’s setMeetingDays(). Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null or an empty String; if the parameter contains a character other than M, T, W, H, F, or A; and if when the parameter contains an A, it is not the only character in the String
  • hashCode() and equals(): Use Eclipse to generate hashCode() and equals() on all fields.
  • toString(): Returns a comma separated list of Course fields in the format expected in [UC1, S1] and [UC3, S2].
  • getShortDisplayArray(): Returns an array of Strings containing name, section, title, and meeting string
  • getLongDisplayArray(): Returns an array of Strings containing name, section, title, credits, instructorId, meeting string, and empty string.
  • isDuplicate(): Returns true if the given Activity is a duplicate of the Course by name.

Event Constants & Fields

  • weeklyRepeat: int that describes how many weeks between events
  • eventDetails: String containing the event details

Event Constructor

  • Event(String title, String meetingDays, int startTime, int endTime, int weeklyRepeat, String eventDetails): Sets the fields to the given values or throws an IllegalArgumentException if provided an invalid value.

Event Methods

  • Each field has a getter, which returns the field. There is no special logic to any of the getters, so they are not listed individually.
  • setWeeklyRepeat(): throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is less than one or greater than 4.
  • setEventDetails(): throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null.
  • setMeetingDays(): overrides Activity’s setMeetingDays(). Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null or an empty String; if the parameter contains a character other than S, M, T, W, H, F, or S.
  • getMeetingString(): overrides Activity’s getMeetingString() and appends “ (every X weeks)” where X is the weeklyRepeat.
  • toString(): Returns a comma separated list of Event fields in the format expected in expected in [UC3, S2].
  • getShortDisplayArray(): Returns an array of Strings containing empty string, empty string, title, and meeting string
  • getLongDisplayArray(): Returns an array of Strings containing empty string, empty string, title, empty string, empty string, meeting string, and event details.
  • isDuplicate(): Returns true if the given Activity is a duplicate of the Event by title.


CourseRecordIO and ActivityRecordIO provide a set of behaviors that should be available without creating an instance of a class. Additionally, the methods only rely on the provided parameters and not on any state associated with the classes. Therefore, all methods in CourseRecordIO and ActivityRecordIO are static. That means any class in the project can access a method in a static way: CourseRecordIO.readCourseRecords() and ActivityRecordIO.writeCourseRecords().

CourseRecordIO Methods

  • readCourseRecords(String fileName): Returns an ArrayList of valid Courses read from the given file name. The method throws a FileNotFoundException if the given file doesn’t exist.
  • readCourse(String line): Returns a Course object created by parsing the line of text. This is a private helper method of readCourseRecords(). Since the method is private, you are not required to have it in your implementation, but it does simplify the program.

ActivityRecordIO Methods

  • writeCourseRecords(String fileName, ArrayList<Activity> courses): Writes the given list of Activitys to the given file. Throws an IOException if unable to write to the file.


WolfScheduler Constants & Fields

  • catalog: ArrayList of Courses that make up the course catalog.
  • schedule: ArrayList of Activitys that make up a student’s schedule. This ArrayList is a subset of the catalog and may also contain Events.
  • title: String representing the schedule’s title.

WolfScheduler Constructors

  • WolfScheduler(String courseRecordsFileName): Initializes schedule to an empty ArrayList and sets title to My Schedule. Initializes the catalog ArrayList and populates the Courses in the catalog from the information in the courseRecordsFileName. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the file cannot be found.

WolfScheduler Methods

  • getCourseFromCatalog(String name, String section): Uses the name and section to find a Course in the catalog. Returns null if the Course cannot be found.
  • addCourse(String name, String section): Returns true if the Course represented by the name and section are in the catalog and can be added to the schedule and false if the Course is not in the catalog. If there is a Course with the same name already in the schedule an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
  • addEvent(String eventTitle, String eventMeetingDays, int eventStartTime, int eventEndTime, int eventWeeklyRepeat, String eventDetails): throws an IllegalArgumentException if the Event cannot be constructed or if it is a duplicate of an Event already in the schedule. Otherwise, the event is added to the end of the schedule.
  • removeActivity(int idx): Returns true if the Activity is removed from the schedule and false otherwise. IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions should be handled in the method or prevented through bounds checks.
  • resetSchedule(): Resets the schedule to an empty ArrayList.
  • getCourseCatalog(): Returns a String[][] (2D array) that contains a catalog item on each row. The first column is the Course name, the second is the section, the third is the title, and the forth is the meeting string.
  • getScheduledCourses(): Returns a String[][] (2D array) that contains a schedule item on each row. The first column is the Course name, the second is the section, the third is the title, and the forth is the meeting string. Any item that an object is missing should be an empty string.
  • getFullScheduledCourses(): Returns a String[][] (2D array) that contains a schedule item on each row. The first column is the Course name, the second is the section, the third is the title, the fourth is the credits, the fifth is the instructorId, the sixth is the meeting time String, and the seventh is the Event details. Any item that an object is missing should be an empty string.
  • setTitle(String title): Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the schedule title is null.
  • getTitle(): Returns the schedule title.
  • exportSchedule(String fileName): Writes the schedule to the given file.


WolfSchedulerGUI is provided.

Guided Project 3

The implementation details for GP3 are mostly the same as GP2. This section will only focus on the differences between GP2 and GP3.


Unless otherwise noted, all constants and fields are private and all methods are public. Constants should be static and final. There are no static methods in the Activity hierarchy.

Conflict Interface: The Conflict interface has a single method:

  • checkConflict(Activity): The method throws the checked ConflictException if the possibly conflicting activity (parameter) conflicts with the current activity (this).

ConflictException: The ConflictException is a checked exception. The default message is “Schedule conflict.”

  • ConflictException(String message): Creates an exception with the given message.
  • ConflictException(): Creates an exception with the default message.

Activity Updates: Activity implements the Conflict interface and provides the definition of the checkConflict(Activity) method for the Activity hierarchy.

  • checkConflict(Activity): The method throws the checked ConflictException if the possibly conflicting activity (parameter) conflicts with the current activity (this).


Unless otherwise noted, all constants and fields are private and all methods are public. Constants should be static and final.

WolfScheduler Updates: The addCourse() and addEvent() methods are updated to use the conflict checking functionality in Activity.

  • addCourse(): if there is a conflict, the ConflictException is caught and a new IllegalArgumentException is thrown with the appropriate message for the GUI.
  • addEvent(): if there is a conflict, the ConflictException is caught and a new IllegalArgumentException is thrown with the appropriate message for the GUI.


WolfSchedulerGUI is provided. The GUI hasn’t changed since GP2.