CSC216 Lab 01: Deployment
When you have deployed your software, you have released it to your customer. For CSC216, that means your work is ready for evaluation by the teaching staff. We will evaluate your work against the Lab 01 rubric. As you compare your submission against the rubric and make your final push to GitHub, you will complete these final tasks:
- You have met the requirements and design for the Lab 01
project - You have a green ball on your lab section’s Jenkins (No test failures and no static analysis notifications)
- All teaching staff JUnit tests pass with a green bar (0 errors).
- You have run system level black box tests on your submission
- There are no FindBugs notifications
- There are no PMD notifications
- There are no CheckStyle notifications
- All code is commented with meaningful comments
- Javadoc webpages are generated with the latest comments
- That you meet all rubric items for the assignment
Make sure that all code and other required artifacts are pushed to GitHub by the assignment deadline. Check your Jenkins results on your lab’s Jenkins server Lab assignments will not be accepted late!
Reminder: Generating Javadoc
To generate Javadoc, you need to configure and run the Javadoc tool, fix Javadoc errors and warnings, and check the generated Javadoc pages. Make sure you push your changes to GitHub!
Generate Javadoc
Commenting your code is important! Comments describe what the code is supposed to do. At a minimum, you should comment your classes, fields, and methods. All methods should be Javadoc-ed, including methods that were automatically generated by Eclipse. When working with CSC 216 projects, you should delete any automatically generated non-Javadoc documentation and replace it with Javadoc appropriate for the overridden method.
Java provides the Javadoc tool to generate a set of web pages that display the comments for your code.
Collaboration Check-in
Students working on teams must complete the collaboration check-in before the lab deadline.
Lab Deadlines & Jenkins Servers
All labs are due 10 minutes before the start of the next lab. Additionally, each lab section has their own dedicated lab Jenkins server. The table below provides the deadline and server URL for each lab section for the current semester.
Lab Section | Deadline | Jenkins Server Link |
Section 201 | 1/31/2022 10:30am | |
Section 202 | 1/31/2022 12:40pm | |
Section 203 | 1/31/2022 2:50pm | |
Section 204 | 1/31/2022 5:10pm | |
Section 211 | 2/1/2022 8:20am | |
Section 213 | 2/1/2022 2:50pm | |
Section 214 | 2/1/2022 5:10pm | |
Section 222 | 2/2/2022 12:40pm | |
Section 223 | 2/2/2022 2:50pm | |
Section 231 | 2/1/2022 11:45pm | |
Section 601 | 2/1/2022 11:45pm | |
Reminder: Jenkins Certificate
You will receive a certificate warning about a self-signed certificate when accessing the Jenkins servers for CSC216. All of the certificates for CSC216 Jenkins servers were self signed personally by CSC IT. Please accept the exception each time you visit a Jenkins server.
Lab Rubric
You will be evaluated out of 70 points in the Technical Rubric. Synchronous students will also be evaluated on their teaming: a combination of In-Lab Participation and Out-Lab Participation. Collaborating Asynchronous students will also be evaluated on their participation in their pair.
Pair/teams are expected to work together on all aspects of the lab activity. Points may be deducted for not contributing or for not providing a partner the opportunity to contribute. The teaching staff strongly encourages working synchronously and requires that these collaborative sessions are documented in GitHub commit messages for the teaching staff to note the team contribution.
Technical Rubric
Phase | Grade Item | Points | Details |
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Teaching Staff Unit Tests | 25 | Pass all of the teaching staff unit tests, both provided and hidden. |
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Teaching Staff System Tests | 20 | Pass all of the teaching staff system tests (note that they will not be provided). |
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Javadoc Comments | 10 | Student and StudentRecordIO are commented with meaningful comments. |
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Javadoc Generation | 5 | Javadoc tool was used to generate the HTML version of the API, which matches the current version of the in-code Javadoc. |
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Style | 10 | Any PMD, CheckStyle, or SpotBugs Scary or Scariest notifications will result in a one point deduction, up to the available points. |
Total Points | 70 |
Synchronous Collaboration Rubric
Grade Item | Points | Details |
In-Lab Collaboration | 10 | PTFs will be looking for collaboration with your partner during lab activities. Did you participate in completing the lab assignment? Did you balance your roles of driver and navigator? There will be deductions for observations of non-participation or hogging of one role or the other so a partner cannot participate. |
Out-Lab Collaboration | 10 | Did you make at least one meaningful commit to GitHub for completing the lab (e.g., meaningful means that the commit has to contribute to the solution and isn't superficial)? If you pair programmed, is it noted in the commit message? Did you not allow your partner, who wanted to contribute, to commit? |
Tasks | 5 | Did you add your tasks for the lab to the top of the README file? Did you include owners? Did you include internal deadlines? Are the tasks shown as complete with any other needed updates (e.g., the person who completed or helped with the task changed) |
Collaboration Check-in | 5 | Did you complete the collaboration check-in on time? |
Asynchronous Collaboration Rubric
Grade Item | Points | Details |
Collaboration | 10 | Did you make at least one meaningful commit to GitHub for completing the lab (e.g., meaningful means that the commit has to contribute to the solution and isn't superficial)? If you pair programmed, is it noted in the commit message? Did you not allow your partner, who wanted to contribute, to commit? |
Tasks | 5 | Did you add your tasks for the lab to the top of the README file? Did you include owners? Did you include internal deadlines? Are the tasks shown as complete with any other needed updates (e.g., the person who completed or helped with the task changed) |
Collaboration Check-in | 5 | Did you complete the collaboration check-in on time? |
Grade Item | Points | Details |
Misnamed file or incorrect project structure | -5 | Incorrect names of files or incorrect project structure. This can include problems when importing the project to Eclipse for acceptance testing, incorrect location of the system test file, incorrect file extension, etc. |
Other deductions | -5 | If the project has to be manually graded due, you will receive a 5 point deduction. Make sure that your project builds on Jenkins! |
Reference: Staging and Pushing to GitHub
GitHub Resources:
Push to GitHub
Finalize your submission by pushing all of your code and other project artifacts to GitHub
- Ensure all classes and methods are fully commented and your Javadoc pages are up to date.
- Add the unstaged changes to the index.
- Commit and push changes. Remember to use a meaningful commit message describing how you have changed the code.
Reminder: Interpreting Jenkins
Check the following items on Jenkins for your last build and use the results to estimate your grade:
Check Jenkins
Ensure that your Jenkins job is reflecting the results that you expect for the level of completion of your lab assignment.