CSC216 Lab 01 - Installation and Project Creation

CSC216 Lab 01 - Import PackScheduler Project

CSC216 Lab 01: Import PackScheduler Project

The teaching staff have provided a starting Eclipse project for PackScheduler. If you are working individually (some students in the async lab sections), you only need to complete Steps 1-3 before moving on to the next page. Students working on teams should complete all steps to ensure that all members of the team have the project in their workspace and connected to the same repository.

Collaborating Students: Identify which person in the pair is Partner 1 and who is Partner 2. If you have a team of 3, then two students are Partner 2.

Import Project into Eclipse

Partner 1: Complete the following steps to import the PackScheduler project into Eclipse:

  • Download
  • Start Eclipse.
  • Right click in the Package Explorer and select Import…
  • Select General > Existing Projects into Workspace. Click Next >.

Figure: Eclipse Import Project

  • Select the radio button for Select archive file and Browse for The project will display in the Projects window. Click Finish to import.

Figure: Selecting Project to Import

You have been provided a project with enough skeleton code so that it compiles. You’ll complete the code and add more methods throughout the lab.

Reference: Staging and Pushing to GitHub

GitHub Resources:

Push to GitHub

Partner 1: Push your PackScheduler project to GitHub

  • Add the unstaged changes to the index.
  • Commit and push changes. Remember to use a meaningful commit message describing how you have changed the code.

Reminder: Interpreting Jenkins

Check the following items on Jenkins for your last build and use the results to estimate your grade:

Check Jenkins

Partner 1 & 2: At this point your project will not build on Jenkins. That is because the basic skeleton provided in the project is not sufficient for the hidden teaching staff tests to compile. What you want to check for is that your Jenkins job runs.

Reminder: Cloning and Importing in GitHub

GitHub Resources:

Clone and Import

Partner 2: You will now clone the lab repository and import the PackScheduler project into your workspace.

Partner 2: Add your name to the author list in one of the files. Stage, commit, and push your change to GitHub.

Reminder: Pulling in GitHub

GitHub Resources:

Pull Changes from GitHub

Partner 1: Pull your partner’s changes from GitHub.

Collaborating in GitHub

Make sure that you are following the standard Git workflow when working on teams. Always commit your changes and then pull the latest changes before starting work.