CSC 217 Lab 04 - Design

CSC 217 Lab 04 - Integrating WolfScheduler into PackScheduler

CSC 217 Lab 04: Integrating WolfScheduler into PackScheduler

To integrate WolfScheduler into PackScheduler, you will focus on three packages:

  • edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.course: integrate classes from WolfScheduler
  • integrate classes from WolfScheduler
  • edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.catalog: create a new class using pieces from WolfScheduler

The existing Student, StudentRecordIO, StudentDirectory, and StudentDirectoryPanel classes will remain unchanged.

Clone your GP3 project into your Workspace

Note: On-campus students, since you are working in pairs/threes, you will need to determine which of the projects you want to use as the WolfScheduler source. Start with a discussion about which project should “move on”.

Clone your GP3 WolfScheduler project into your lab workspace, if it isn’t there already.

edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.course Package

Complete the following steps to integrate the course classes from WolfScheduler into PackScheduler

Copy in the src/ files:

  1. Create a new package edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.course in the src/ folder of PackScheduler
  2. Select the Activity, Conflict, ConflictException, and Course classes from your Guided Project 3 WolfScheduler and copy them into the new edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.course package in the src/ folder of PackScheduler.

Copy in the test/ files:

  1. Create a new package edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.course in the test/ folder of PackScheduler
  2. Select the ActivityTest, ConflictExceptionTest, and CourseTest classes from your Guided Project 3 WolfScheduler and copy them into the new edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.course package in the test/ folder of PackScheduler.

Update your tests to remove any references to Event so that PackScheduler compiles. This may mean that some tests will be deleted, and that’s ok if they are no longer needed. There will likely be several tests in ConflictExceptionTest that will need to be deleted due to conflict checks involving Events.

Run your tests and ensure there is no regression in functionality.

Implement the Comparable<Course> interface in Course. Write new tests in CourseTest to ensure that the compareTo() method works correctly by looking at the Course name and then section during the comparison. Package

With PackScheduler there isn’t a need for Events (they could be added later, so Activity will remain as a super class), therefore, CourseRecordIO can take over the responsibility of both reading in course records and writing course records to a file.

You may either 1) copy in CourseRecordIO from your Guided Project 1 submission or 2) copy in CourseRecordIO from your Guided Project 3 submission and integrate/refactor the ActivityRecordIO.writeActivityRecords() method in CourseRecordIO. Either way, will contain CourseRecordIO and StudentRecordIO in the src/ folder of PackScheduler when the integration is complete.

Follow a similar procedure to copy/integrate/refactor CourseRecordIOTest into the package in the test/ folder of PackScheduler.

You will need to update imports that have *.wolf_scheduler.* to use *.pack_scheduler.* instead.

Additionally, copy all of the test-files/ from Guided Project 3 into PackScheduler needed for your tests to pass.

Run your tests and ensure there is no regression in functionality. There is no additional functionality in the package.

edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.catalog Package

The WolfScheduler class in the WolfScheduler project cannot be directly used as is in the PackScheduler project. The WolfScheduler class has two responsibilities: to hold the catalog and to schedule courses. Only the catalog functionality is currently needed in the PackScheduler project. You’ll create the CourseCatalog class and use the WolfScheduler project WolfScheduler class and the StudentDirectory class to help you implement CourseCatalog.

Create a new package edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.catalog in the src/ and test/ folders of PackScheduler.

Create the CourseCatalog class to match the provided design and implement the methods by pulling code from WolfScheduler or using StudentDirectory for reference.

Additionally, create CourseCatalogTest in the test/ folder. Reuse tests from WolfSchedulerTest or use StudentDirectoryTest for reference to write tests to drive your development.

For CourseCatalog you will use the SortedList collection rather than ArrayList.

  • -catalog: SortedList<Course>: a CourseCatalog has a SortedList of Courses that make up the catalog
  • +CourseCatalog(): constructs an empty catalog
  • +newCourseCatalog(): void: constructs an empty catalog
  • +loadCoursesFromFile(fileName:String): void: loads course records into the catalog. Any FileNotFoundExceptions are caught and an IllegalArgumentException is thrown to the client.
  • +addCourseToCatalog(name:String, title:String, section:String, credits:int, instructorId:String, meetingDays:String, startTime:int, endTime:int): boolean: adds a Course with the following fields to the catalog and returns true if the Course is added and false if the Course already exists in the catalog. If there is an error constructing the Course, the IllegalArgumentException is allowed to propagate to the client.
  • +removeCourseFromCatalog(name:String, section:String): boolean: returns true if the Course is removed from the catalog and false if the Course is not in the catalog.
  • +getCourseFromCatalog(name:String, section:String): Course: returns the Course from the catalog with the given name and section. Returns null if the Course isn’t in the catalog.
  • +getCourseCatalog(): String[][]: returns the name, section, title, and meeting information for Courses in the catalog.
  • +saveCourseCatalog(fileName:String): void: saves the catalog course records to the given file. Any IOExceptions are caught and an IllegalArgumentException is thrown to the client.

Run Unit Tests

Run all of your unit tests and ensure that they pass!

Push to GitHub

Push your PackScheduler project to GitHub

  • Add the unstaged changes to the index.
  • Commit and push changes. Remember to use a meaningful commit message describing how you have changed the code.

Since we can’t automate black box tests, you won’t need to check Jenkins. But you should make sure that your Black Box Test Plan was submitted!

Reminder: Staging and Pushing to GitHub

GitHub Resources: