CSC 217 Lab 06 - Finite State Machines

CSC 217 Lab 06 - Course Name Finitie State Machine

CSC 217 Lab 06 Course Name Finite State Machine

The university registrar has refined the rules for identifying a valid course name in the PackScheduler system. The rules can be modeled as a finite state machine. You’ll start the process of adding the updated course name functionality by first designing the finite state machine that identifies a correct course name.

Design FSM

Draw a finite state machine that identifies if a course name string is valid or invalid.

A valid course name begins with 1-4 letters, followed by exactly 3 digits, followed by an optional 1 letter suffix. If a course name doesn’t meet the description, the course name is invalid. Spaces are no longer allowed between the prefix and number.

There are several tools that you may use to design your FSM:

  • Finite State Machine Designer - recommended for use, you’ll need to screenshot the FSM and save as an image file.
  • UMLetino
    • There’s a drop down menu in the upper right where the icons are. Select UML State Machine.
    • The final/end states are represented with the solid circle surrounded with another circle rather than the state circle.
  • Dia

FSM Inspection

As you design your FSM, you should consider the following questions:

  • How did you determine the state to include in your diagram?
  • Did you include a start state? A final/end state? (If you didn’t, you should.)
  • How did you determine what transitions to include in your diagram?
  • Go through the course names in your class schedule. Would your FSM consider them valid?
  • What are some invalid course names that you could use for testing?
  • How will you handle cases when the user enters a non-alphanumeric character? (for example, CSC2!6)

Save FSM

Export or save your FSM as an image file. Include it in the project_docs directory of PackScheduler.

Note that as you continue working on the lab, you may want to refine your FSM. You are welcome to do so throughout the lab.

Push to GitHub

Push your PackScheduler project to GitHub

  • Add the unstaged changes to the index.
  • Commit and push changes. Remember to use a meaningful commit message describing how you have changed the code.

Reminder: Staging and Pushing to GitHub

GitHub Resources: