CSC 217 Lab 06 - Finite State Machines

CSC 217 Lab 06 - InvalidTransitionException

CSC 217 Lab 06 InvalidTransitionException

The updated design contains a a new package, edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.course.validator, and a new exception type, InvalidTransitionException.

Create edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.course.validator Package

Since the *.validator package is a sub-package to the *.course package, do the following:

  • Right click on the *.course package
  • Select New > Package
  • Add .validator to the end of the edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.course package listed in the New Java Package dialog.
  • Click Finish.

Implement and Test InvalidTransitionException

Create a checked exception in the edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.course.validator package named InvalidTransitionException.

The default exception message should be “Invalid FSM Transition.”.

Test your new exception to ensure that it works as expected.

Reminder: Creating and Testing an Exception

Use the instructions from Guided Project 3: Create ConflictException to help you with creating a checked InvalidTransitionException.

Use the instructions from Guided Project 3: Implement and Test ConflictException to help you with the implementation and testing of the InvalidTransitionException.

Push to GitHub

Push your PackScheduler project to GitHub

  • Add the unstaged changes to the index.
  • Commit and push changes. Remember to use a meaningful commit message describing how you have changed the code.

Reminder: Staging and Pushing to GitHub

GitHub Resources: