CSC 217 Lab 09 - Stacks and Queues

CSC 217 Lab 09 - LinkedAbstractList Optimization

CSC 217 Lab 09 LinkedAbstractList Optimization

Both the ArrayQueue and LinkedQueue implementations have an O(n) runtime for either enqueue() or dequeue() depending on what end of the list your considered the front. There’s nothing you can do to improve the efficiency of ArrayQueue - a right or left shift has to happen to maintain the ArrayList. But you can improve the efficiency of your LinkedQueue by adding an optimization to LinkedAbstractList.

Add back Field

To improve the enqueue() operation, you can add an additional field to your LinkedAbstractList, back. The back field will point to the last node in the list. That means you can create special, efficient cases for adding at the end of the list. However, removing from LinkedAbstractList will still require traversal since the list is singly linked, but since you are using the back reference for improving efficiency for queues, removing from the end of the list is not a concern since (with queues), you remove only from the beginning of the list.

Add the back field.

Update add(int idx, E element)

Update add() so that back always references to the last element. There’s a special case for adding the first element to the list.

Additionally, add the special constant-time case for adding to the back of the list to avoid the traversal!

Update remove(int idx)

Update remove() so that back always references the last element.

Update size()

If size is not maintained as a field, add it. Returning the size field in the size() method is constant time. Additionally, it may be used in isEmpty() so that isEmpty() also runs in constant time.

Make sure you increment/decrement size from within the add() and remove() methods.


Run your unit tests. Ensure there are no regressions in functionality by adding the new field.

Push to GitHub

Push your PackScheduler project to GitHub

  • Add the unstaged changes to the index.
  • Commit and push changes. Remember to use a meaningful commit message describing how you have changed the code.

Reminder: Staging and Pushing to GitHub

GitHub Resources: