Testing Lab Exercises (BBT)

Running Black Box Tests

Running Black Box Tests

Place SomewhatMoreSimplifiedSolitaire.class in your bin directory.

Your Black Box Test Plan should contain the results of running your test cases on the implementation. Note that if the expected and actual results are not the same, there is a bug in the code; highlight these tests in yellow. You should not correct the bug at this point since you do not have the .java file.

To execute the SomewhatMoreSimplifiedSolitaire program, make sure you are in your top-level project directory (SomewhatMoreSimplifiedSolitaire) and use the following command:

$ java -cp bin SomewhatMoreSimplifiedSolitaire

The -cp argument tells Java the classpath where the compiled .class files are located. Here, we tell Java that the .class files are in the bin directory.