Guided Project 2 WolfScheduler - Activity and Event

Guided Task - Create ActivityRecordIO

Guided Task: Create ActivityRecordIO

CourseRecordIO handles reading course records from a file to create a course catalog and writing Courses to a file. Now that you have Events that should also be written to an output file (as per [UC10], you need to create a new IO class to handle writing Activity objects.

Learning Outcomes

  • Refactor file I/O functionality

Reminder: Eclipse Java Class Creation

Guided Task: Your First Eclipse Project - Create a Class.

Create ActivityRecordIO Class

Create a new Java class called ActivityRecordIO in the package of the WolfScheduler project. Do not create the constructor or any methods in ActivityRecordIO.

Move writeCourseRecords() to ActivityRecordIO

Complete the following steps to move writeCourseRecords() from CourseRecordIO to ActivityRecordIO.

  • Open CourseRecordIO in the editor.
  • Select the writeCourseRecords method name in the editor. You only want to select the method name.

Figure: Selecting a Method for Moving

  • Right click on the writeCourseRecords method name and select Refactor > Move.
  • Browse for ActivityRecordIO. Uncheck the options to keep original member as delegate to moved member.

Figure: Moving a Method

  • The method is now in ActivityRecordIO. WolfScheduler and CourseRecordIOTest have been udpated with the change.
  • Refactor the method name in ActivityRecordIO. Select the method name, right click on the method and select Refactor > Rename. Enter writeActivityRecords and click Enter.
  • Update the generic parameter of the ArrayList to be Activity instead of Course.
  • Update the local variables in the for loop. You can use the keyboard short cut of Alt + Shift + R to do the rename refactoring.
    • Change c to a
    • Change courses to activities
  • Delete the import for Course since it is no longer needed.

At this point, there will be a compilation error in WolfScheduler.exportSchedule(). That’s ok. We’ll fix it later.

The complication error in CourseRecordIOTest we’ll fix after you check that ActivityRecordIO is complete.

After you are done, ActivityRecordIO should look like the following:


import java.util.ArrayList;

import edu.ncsu.csc216.wolf_scheduler.course.Activity;

 * Writes activities to file.
 * @author Sarah Heckman
public class ActivityRecordIO {

     * Writes the given list of Courses to 
     * @param fileName file to save to
     * @param activities list of course to save
     * @throws IOException if the file cannot be written
    public static void writeActivityRecords(String fileName, ArrayList<Activity> activities) throws IOException {
    	PrintStream fileWriter = new PrintStream(new File(fileName));
    	for (Activity a : activities) {


Update CourseRecordIOTest

There is a call to ActivityRecordIO in CourseRecordIOTest that is not compiling. This is because we changed the parameter type from an ArrayList of Courses to an ArrayList of Activitys. We’ll need to update the ArrayList generic type in our test.

Update the first line of the test method to ArrayList<Activity> courses = new ArrayList<Activity>();. You’ll need to import Activity for the test to compile.

Run Tests

Run your tests! You’ll get a warning because WolfScheduler is not compiling, but you can run anyway to make sure that CourseRecordIOTest passes. If any are still failing in the course or io packages, use the debugger to help you find the problem. For now, the WolfScheduler tests may fail due to compilation errors.

However, your suite of tests is not sufficient to evaluate if events are correctly written to file. Create a class ActivityRecordIOTest the package of the test/ folder in the WolfScheduler project. Copy in the provided ActivityRecordIOTest code into ActivityRecordIOTest. Create a new text file in the test-file/ directory called expected_activity_records.txt and copy the provided expected_activity_records.txt. Run the tests. Ensure they all pass!

Comment ActivityRecordIO and Fix Static Analysis Notifications

Complete the following tasks:

  • Update all your Javadoc for ActivityRecordIO.
  • Resolve all static analysis notifications.

Reference: Staging and Pushing to GitHub

GitHub Resources:

Check Your Progress

Complete the following tasks before pushing your work to GitHub.

  • Make sure that all fields, methods, and constructors are commented.
  • Resolve all static analysis notifications.
  • Fix test failures.
  • Commit and push your code changes with a meaningful commit message. Label your commit with “[Implementation]” for future you!