CSC 217 Lab 09 - Queues and Queues

CSC 217 Lab 09 - Implement and Test Queues

CSC 217 Lab 09 Implement and Test Queues

The data structure that will eventually be used to implement the waitlist functionality is currently unknown. So you’ll explore several different specialized data structures before selecting the best one for waitlist. Now you’ll work with Queues.

You will create a Queue interface and implement ArrayQueue and LinkedQueue. Each concrete class will implement the interface and delegate to either ArrayList or LinkedAbstractList.

Create Queue Interface

Create a Queue interface in the edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.util package. Queue has a generic type and 5 methods which are described below:

  • void enqueue(E element)
    • Adds the element to the back of the Queue
    • If there is no room (capacity has been reached), an IllegalArgumentException is thrown
  • E dequeue()
    • Removes and returns the element at the front of the Queue
    • If the Queue is empty, an NoSuchElementException is thrown
  • boolean isEmpty(): Returns true if the Queue is empty
  • int size(): Returns the number of elements in the Queue
  • void setCapacity(int capacity)
    • Sets the Queue’s capacity
    • If the actual parameter is negative or if it is less than the number of elements in the Queue, an 1IllegalArgumentException is thrown

Javadoc Queue’s methods.

Create ArrayQueue and LinkedQueue

Create ArrayQueue and LinkedQueue in edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.util package. Both should implement Queue. Leave the method stubbed out until you have written your unit tests.


Create ArrayQueueTest and LinkedQueueTest in edu.ncsu.csc216.pack_scheduler.util package of the test/ source folder.

Start by writing tests for ArrayQueueTest. When you’re done, you can copy them into LinkedQueueTest and update the tested object.

Consider the following cases:

  • Inserting a single element into the Queue
  • Inserting multiple elements into the Queue
  • Removing a single element from the Queue
  • Removing multiple elements from the Queue
  • Removing the last element from the Queue
  • Interleaved inserts and removes
  • Attempting to remove an element from an empty Queue
  • Setting the capacity to size
  • Attempting to set the capacity to less than size

Implement ArrayQueue

ArrayQueue should have a field of type ArrayList. ArrayQueue will construct an ArrayList and delegate to the ArrayList.

Note that since the current implementation of ArrayList does not have a capacity, the capacity functionality will be part of ArrayQueue. DO NOT add capacity to ArrayList!

Implement LinkedQueue

LinkedQueue should have a field of type LinkedAbstractList. LinkedQueue will construct a LinkedAbstractList and delegate to the LinkedAbstractList.

Since LinkedAbstractList does have a capacity, LinkedQueue can delegate to LinkedAbstractList for the setCapacity() implementation.

Run the Tests

Run your tests and make sure they all pass! Ensure there are no regressions to existing functionality.

Push to GitHub

Push your PackScheduler project to GitHub

  • Add the unstaged changes to the index.
  • Commit and push changes. Remember to use a meaningful commit message describing how you have changed the code.

Check your job on Jenkins.

Reminder: Staging and Pushing to GitHub

GitHub Resources: