CSC 217 Lab 12 - Graphical User Interfaces

CSC 217 Lab 12 - FacultySchedule GUI

CSC 217 Lab 12 FacultySchedule GUI

Add a GUI for [UC26] so that a faculty user can see their schedule and the course roll of registered students. Use the design for guidance.

Create FacultySchedulePanel

FacultySchedulePanel (or another name of your choosing) will contain the authenticated faculty’s schedule and space for course details and a listing of the course roll. A screenshot of the teaching staff GUI is provided as a suggestion, but you may design the panel as you want (as long as it’s easy to grade!).

Figure: Lab 12 FacultySchedulePanel in PackScheduler

Parts of the functionality that you need are found in StudentRegistrationPanel, StudentDirectoryPanel, and CourseCatalogPanel. You may pull code from there to help you with your implementation, but you will need to customize to the specifics of displaying a FacultySchedule and CourseRoll.

The teaching staff recommend that you create the layout first (and the connection in PackSchedulerGUI – see next step) first and then integrate in the controller portions.

** CourseRoll.getRoll()

Update PackSchedulerGUI

You will need to connect PackScheduleGUI to FacultySchedulePanel so that you can test it. The connection is similar to the connection between PackScheduleGUI and StudentRegistrationPanel. Use that for guidance.

Testing the New Functionality

Run your black box tests on the new functionality. Record the actual results of execution.

Javadoc your Code

Javadoc your classes and methods.

Run CheckStyle to ensure that your Javadoc has all elements.

Push to GitHub

Push your PackScheduler project to GitHub

  • Add the unstaged changes to the index.
  • Commit and push changes. Remember to use a meaningful commit message describing how you have changed the code.

Reminder: Staging and Pushing to GitHub

GitHub Resources:

Check Jenkins

If you have test failures, use the feedback from Jenkins to help you resolve the issues.

Reminder: Interpreting Jenkins

Check the following items on Jenkins for your last build and use the results to estimate your grade: