Testing Lab Exercises (BBT - Triangle)

Black Box Test Plan: Triangle classification by side lengths

BBTP: Triangle classification by side lengths

Black Box Test Plan Starter File

For the Black Box Test plan, you will be using this starter file.

Setting up the Google Document

  1. Open file
  2. File > Make a copy
  3. Share (edit permissions) with teammate/s

Writing Black Box Tests

Given the Black Box Test Plan, you should add at least 5 more black box test cases for side length.1 Your test cases must be non-redundant, repeatable, and specific! Non-redundant means that each test case should correspond to a unique error condition or a unique combination of valid inputs. Be sure to consider equivalence classes and boundary values when designing your test cases. Remember: For the black box test plan, you should not look at the code. Instead your tests should only be based on the requirements given.

Running Test Cases

Place TriangleClassification.class in your bin directory.

Your Black Box Test Plan should contain the results of running your test cases on the implementation. Note that if the expected and actual results are not the same, there is a bug in the code. You should not correct the bug at this point.

To execute the TriangleClassification program, make sure you are in your top-level project directory (TriangleClassification) and use the following command:

 java -cp bin TriangleClassification

The -cp argument tells Java the classpath where the compiled .class files are located. Here, we tell Java that the .class files are in the bin directory.


  1. Note that the Black Box Test Plan contains a sample test for angles. You will be testing angles in a later step.