Testing Lab Exercises (BBT - Triangle)

Create Project Directory

Create Project Directory

To help keep our TriangleClassification code and other files organized, first create a project directory, which will eventually contain all of your source and test code for your project along with other documents. Since we require GitHub repos for submissions, your project directory would go within the repo directory

For example, assuming your assigned repo is csc116-001-LabX-Y:

% pwd

% mkdir TriangleClassification

% ls

% cd TriangleClassification
% pwd

Within the project directory, create the following directories, which will help organize and separate your files into:

  • src (source) code,
  • test (test) code,
  • lib (library) files,
  • bin (compiled .class) files,
  • doc (generated Javadoc) files, and
  • project_docs (project document) files (e.g., Black Box Test Plan)