Testing Lab Exercises (DE Section)

Create Project Directory

Create Project Directory

To help keep our TriangleClassification code and other files organized, first create a project directory, which will eventually contain all of your source and test code for your project along with other documents.

For example:

% pwd

% mkdir TriangleClassification

% ls

% cd TriangleClassification
% pwd

Within the project directory, create the following directories, which will help organize and separate your files into:

  • src (source) code,
  • test (test) code,
  • lib (library) files,
  • bin (compiled .class) files,
  • doc (generated Javadoc) files, and
  • project_docs (project document) files (e.g., Black Box Test Plan)

Download JUnit Libraries

JUnit is not provided in the default Java libraries (String, Scanner, etc. are provided with Java). Instead, we have to download the JUnit libraries.

  1. Browse to the JUnit Github project, and download junit-4.12.jar into your lib directory in your project.
  2. Also download hamcrest-core-1.3.jar into your lib directory in your project.

Both junit-4.12.jar and hamcrest-core-1.3.jar are required to run test cases from the command line.