Example Programming Scenario
In the following sections, we will use the following example to illustrate black box and white box testing of the Paycheck program:
Raleigh’s Parks and Recreation Department hires landscapers to care for and maintain the city’s parks.
An employee has one of three skill levels; each with a hourly pay rate:
Skill Level - Hourly Pay Rate ($)
Level 1 - $19.00
Level 2 - $22.50
Level 3 - $25.75
All employees may opt in for insurance, which results in a deduction from their pay check.
Deduction - Weekly Cost ($)
Option 1 - Medical Insurance - $24.50
Option 2 - Dental Insurance - $15.30
Option 3 - Vision Insurance - $5.25
Employees at skill level 3 may also opt to place up to 6% of their gross pay into a retirement account.
The following information is printed about the employee’s pay check: 1) employee’s name 2) hours worked for a week 3) hourly pay rate 4) regular pay for up to 40 hours worked 5) overtime pay (1.5 pay rate) for hours over 40 worked 6) gross pay (regular + overtime) 7) total deductions 8) net pay (gross pay – total deductions). If the net pay is negative, meaning the deductions exceeds the gross pay, then an error is printed.
The Paycheck program prompts the user for information about the Employee, including the name, level (1, 2, or 3), hours worked, retirement percent, and whether he or she has medical, dental, and vision insurances. This program assumes a perfect user. There is no error checking for user input based on data type.
The following commands compile and run the Paycheck program:
$ javac Paycheck.java
$ java Paycheck