Software Testing

White Box Testing: Test Equivalence Classes

White Box Testing: Test Equivalence Classes

The strategy of testing representative values from equivalence classes still applies to white box testing. We break up the possible inputs for each parameter into equivalence classes and test representative values for each parameter. There are two parameters for Paycheck.calculateRegularPay(): the pay rate and the hours worked. For the hours worked, the equivalence classes are hours less than 0, hours between 0 and 40, and hours greater than 40. Since we are focusing on representative values, we can choose values that are away from 40. Good representative values would be 36 and 46, shown in Figure 7.

     * Test the Paycheck.calculateRegularPay() method.
    public void testCalculateRegularPay() {
        // Less than 40 hours
        // Regular Level 1 36 hours
        assertEquals("Paycheck.calculateRegularPay(Paycheck.LEVEL_1_PAY_RATE, 36)", 68400,
                        Paycheck.calculateRegularPay(Paycheck.LEVEL_1_PAY_RATE, 36));

        // Over 40 hours
        // Regular Level 1 46 hours
        assertEquals("Paycheck.calculateRegularPay(Paycheck.LEVEL_1_PAY_RATE, 46)", 76000,
                        Paycheck.calculateRegularPay(Paycheck.LEVEL_1_PAY_RATE, 46));

Figure 7: Equivalence class tests for Paycheck.calculateRegularPay() in PaycheckTest.