Software Testing

White Box Testing: Test Boundary Values

White Box Testing: Test Boundary Values

Once representative values of a method are tested, boundary values between the equivalence classes (if there are boundary values) should be tested. For Paycheck.calculateRegularPay(), there are two boundaries: 1) at 0 hours and 2) at 40 hours. We’ll focus on the boundary at 40. There are three tests to consider: 39 hours, 40 hours, and 41 hours. These correspond to the standard boundary value tests of at the boundary, one less than the boundary, and one more than the boundary. The boundary value tests are shown in Figure 8. Similar tests should be done for the lower boundaries.

     * Test the Paycheck.calculateRegularPay() method.
    public void testCalculateRegularPay() {
        // Testing boundary
        // Less than 40 hours
        // Regular Level 1 39 hours
        assertEquals("Paycheck.calculateRegularPay(Paycheck.LEVEL_1_PAY_RATE, 39)", 74100,
                        Paycheck.calculateRegularPay(Paycheck.LEVEL_1_PAY_RATE, 39));

        // Regular Level 1 40 hours
        assertEquals("Paycheck.calculateRegularPay(Paycheck.LEVEL_1_PAY_RATE, 40)", 76000,
                        Paycheck.calculateRegularPay(Paycheck.LEVEL_1_PAY_RATE, 40));

        // Over 40 hours
        // Regular Level 1 41 hours
        assertEquals("Paycheck.calculateRegularPay(Paycheck.LEVEL_1_PAY_RATE, 41)", 76000,
                        Paycheck.calculateRegularPay(Paycheck.LEVEL_1_PAY_RATE, 41));

Figure 8: Boundary value tests for Paycheck.calculateRegularPay() in PaycheckTest.